Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pinterest Inspired Valentine's the Busy Mom Way

This month my work has me traveling every week of the month.  And I traveled the last two weeks in January.  So, I'm comfortable saying, I've been a little busy.
Last year my eldest daughter was all over Valentine's Day, wanting to start decorating in the middle of January.  This year, well, between my travel and weekends occupied by Girl Scout cookie sales, there's not much in the way of holiday decor for this minor season.
Still, the girls have school Valentine's parties (E has 2) to attend and needed Valentines to exchange.  And I'd already shown E some homemade Valentine ideas from Pinterest.  We'd already bought supplies.  We had to make them.  So we did.  
With 72 hours between trips, the girls and I made some Valentines.  
 E saw this on one of my boards and this had to be made.  I already had the lollipop bags and some card stock.  A fun font and stapler later and we had tasty treats for her classmates.  She especially liked taking part in filling the bags with the Starburst.  Her OCD streak showed a bit when she kept trying to do rows of single colors.  Clearly, I filled this one.
We also had pipe cleaners and Hershey's kisses.  So we made these:
Chocolate bling rings.  With only four other girls in her class, it wasn't a daunting project.
E especially adores her teacher, so she wanted to make something special for her.  Finally, a purpose for the mason jars I've been keeping!  We had Mod Podge and tissue paper.  Even little B got do make one.  This  one was all E's work.  We filled it with Hershey's Milk Chocolate Kisses.

E also has a party at her after school care at La Petite.  More Valentines in order.  This time, I was extra lazy (all of 20 minutes to make 28).  Card stock and we had on hand, another fun font and classic kid Valentine play on words and a different sort of sweet treat.
Last, but not least, B also needed Valentines for her class.  Frankly, I'm the one who wanted to try this.  I bought heart shaped ice cube trays from the bargain aisle at Target ages ago to try it.  Crayon bits in a 275 degree oven for 10 minutes (watch carefully).  E swooned when she saw them--"those are SO beautiful."

Again, card stock and fun font.  I put them each a lollipop bag and stapled them on the front of the card along with a Valentine rainbow fruit roll up on the back (little kids like treats).  

And done!  I didn't even have to stay up past midnight to get it all done.  And considering that the 72 hours I had at home also included a Mardi Gras parade, a chocolate festival and dinner with my parents.  We'll call this a productive and super fun weekend.