Monday, July 15, 2013

A Prayer for Our Nation

I don't write this as a political statement or an expression of personal opinion over the verdict that has our country in an uproar today.  My heart is sick over the state of our nation and I feel compelled to pray for us all.  I am sharing my prayer and inviting people to join me, as I believe the more people who pray, the stronger the prayer.  If prayer changes no one else but the person praying, it's a start.

I am praying for hearts to heal and minds to open. I am praying for people to stop holding Bill responsible for what Jim did simply because they share the same skin color or ethnic origins. I am praying for people to stop believing Mary thinks the same way as Barb because they share the same gender or faith. I am praying for people to stop believing Sam is motivated by the same things as Trevor because they have the same sexual orientation or political party. I'm praying for people to stop lumping others into groups based on superficial characteristics. I am praying that people stop perpetuating nonsense, stop returning violence with violence, hate with hate, willful ignorance with willful ignorance. Fear, suspicion, mistrust, prejudice, rage, violence and hatred have brought us to this painful place. I am praying that we will rise above our hurts, our fears and our biases and remember that forgiveness and love are the path to healing and redemption for us all. I am praying we have the strength to forgive and the courage to love.